Thursday, April 14, 2016

While He Was Sleeping {A Modern Sleeping Beauty Story}

Once there was a baby, a beautiful baby with long eyelashes, and his name was Cony.  His dad was the President.  When everyone gave their gifts to the baby, two terrorists came in and said, "On the boy's 30th birthday, he will be shot with a magic dart.  Then, as fast as they came they were gone.

Cony grew up to be a kind man and became the President, but on his 30th birthday the White House was under attack.  Everyone was yelling, "White House down!"  While everyone was running around, Cony was shot with the magic dart.  As soon as he was hit with it, he went to sleep.  When his parents came to him, they fell on the ground and hugged him, and the spell was broken.  Love broke the spell.

Written by Evan

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